NBI about text
Networked Business Initiative (NBI)
Actionable insight for digital success
The Networked Business Initiative is putting nations, companies and their advisers on the fast track to improved business practices in the digitally networked society.
The NBI offers a free web-service which helps businesses map and benchmark their utilization of networked information technologies like social, mobile, cloud, data analytics and web-based information systems. This insight enables companies and their advisors to effectively navigate the key challenges of the new digitally networked society.
Run as a global community initiative the NBI brings together academic organizations, commercial partners and industry associations in co-creating a globally recognized set of open industry standards for digital networked business success.
Learn more and join for FREE at networkedbusiness.org
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About the Networked Business Initiative (Short)
The Networked Business Initiative brings together academic organizations, commercial partners and industry associations in co-creating a set of industry standards measuring digital practices and their relation to business success.
The initiative is centered around a free web-service enabling businesses to map and benchmark their utilization of technologies like social, mobile, cloud, data analytics and web to gain actionable insight for digital success.
Kort om Networked Business Initiative
Networked Business Initiative er et 3-årigt forskningsprojekt, der samler akademi samt kommercielle og industrielle partnere til udviklingen af NBI platformen. NBI platformen er et online værktøj, der vil hjælpe virksomheder med at kortlægge og benchmarke deres anvendelse af netværksteknologier som mobil, social medier, cloud, data og web. Det overordnede mål er at sikre handlingsbare indsigter til øget digital fremgang og konkurrenceevne for den enkelte virksomhed.
Bag NBI-Projektet er et konsortium bestående af Copenhagen Business School, Dansk Erhverv, Dansk Industri og Sitecore.