
NBI is behind a series of data-driven tools for mapping and benchmarking the performance and business impact of digitalization and IT. The platform and frameworks behind these tools are based on research, experience, advanced algorithms, and high-quality data. The NBI platform ensures that the project succeeds in its main mission of mapping more than 300.000 companies in the NBI Database. The data will be available to more than 3500 collaborating and partnering organisations in 20+ countries. We are constantly adding new tools to the platform.

The NBI platform consists of the following elements

The NBI mapping and benchmarking tools
Partner sites 
NBI Dashboards
Launch Sites

Users of the NBI Platform can be put into two main categories

A partner
is a consultancy, vendor or association. Partners have the exclusive right to invite their contacts to join the project as a responding company.  

A responding company is a contact of the partner like clients, leads or members. A responding company can only gain access to the project through a partner. The responding company submits data about how the company implements and utilises networked business technologies.

The NBI mapping and benchmarking tools

The NBI tools have been developed in close cooperation with experts and academics. Responding companies gain access to the tools through partners.

The NBI platform currently offers the following mapping and benchmarking tools
● NBI digital maturity
● NBI digital maturity LIGHT
● Omnichannel maturity 
● DI technology scoreboard

Coming Soon:
● B2B E-commerce

The Partner sites

Partners get access to their partner sites and their launch sites after signing up for the project.

The Partner site consists of
● A list of the responding companies that have signed up through the partner
● Contact information to the specific respondent from the company (email)
● A communications kit about the project for download (email template, project description, pictures and more) 
● Administration tools for the Partner Launch site, Partner profile on the homepage, and contact information.

The Launch site

Partners also get access to their unique Launch sites. The Launch site is the outward face of the partners involvement in the project. It is a tool that can be used to promote the project toward the partner’s contacts (responding companies). The responding companies are introduced to the project and gain access to the NBI tools and dashboards  through the Launch site. 

The Launch site contains
● Access to the NBI tools
● The brand assets of the partner – e.g. logo and copy
● A description of the NBI, the mapping tools, and benefits for the responding company
Each partner's Launch site comes with a personalised URL like The URL can be sent via newsletters or other communication channels to invite responding companies to participate in the project.

The Networked Business Intelligence Dashboard

The collected data from the tools are aggregated and analysed through the database and shown visually on the Dashboard. 
The results are communicated through user-friendly interactive graphs showing the results from different perspectives of technologies and business functions, which then can be benchmarked against the results from other companies - from both different industries and countries.

The partner-companies and the responding companies receive their own personalised company Dashboard.  

The Dashboard allows users to filter data from the following dimensions

Country (United Kingdom, Australia, Denmark, etc.)
Industry (Telecommunications, Retail, Pharma, etc.)
Business process (Marketing, HR, etc.)
Technology (Social Media, Mobile, Cloud, Data Analytics and Websites)

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